sábado, 30 de octubre de 2010

La Cangreja National Park

La Cangreja National Park is located in the Cangreja Puriscal Canton, in the Province of San Jose. The area is known as Mastatal located inside the mountain and whose only form of access is through the use of wheel-drive vehicle; the road is, for the most part, weights and muddy due to the large amount of rain that falls in that area.

To reach this National Park people must take the road towards Puriscal; then take the road passing through villages like Parrita Puriscal, Saltpetre, and Mastatal among other smaller blowgun Santa Marta, San Martin and Santa Rosa. Among the interesting elements of this pathway is the Church of Puriscal, closed because of its location on a large seismic fault. Gradually, this church is sinking and it is at risk of falling because of a strong earthquake. La Cangreja National Park is the last patch of forest declared by the Government of Costa Rica as a National Park on June 5, 2002, Decree 30479-MINAE.

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