Banana Adventure Tours
Banana Adventure Tours offers great deals in travel packages to Costa Rica for active travelers and family vacations. Experience an unforgettable vacation full of adventure in the rainforest or in one of Costa Rica beaches.
Costa Rica was conquered by Spanish in the 16th century, so from the beginning it was heavely influenced by the Spanish culture. Limon and the Cordillera de Talamanca are the exception with the predominancy of Black Jamaicans and indigenous people. The Ticos and Ticas (the way Costaricans demoninate themselves) are generally of mixed origins. There was a great number of immigrants who came to Costa Rica during the construction of the railroad; mostly the immigrants came from Jamaica and from China, and stayed in the Caribbean side of the country on Limon Porvince.
Costa Ricans speak Spanish, although there have been a great effort from the government to teach English in most schools due to the wolrd necesities nowadays. Normally Ticos and Ticas speak in the respectful manner of "usted", and in the familiar form of "vos" rather than "tu", used in other latianmerican countries. The term Ticos and Ticas came from the way Costa Ricans talk using diminutives with the suffixing -ito and -ita.
Read more about Costa Rica Culture.
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On October 25, there was a public city hike to collect funds for the Foundation against mammal cancer, called Caminata por la Vida. It took place in the city of San Jose, Costa Rica, from Paseo Colon to Plaza de la Democracia, and there was a lot of people united for this purpose. It was truly a big event that finish with numerous concerts and the presentation of TV personalities. The activity was promoted by Avon.