Banana Adventure Tours offers great deals in travel packages to Costa Rica for active travelers and family vacations. Experience an unforgettable vacation full of adventure in the rainforest or in one of Costa Rica beaches.
lunes, 22 de febrero de 2010
domingo, 21 de febrero de 2010
Mountain Biking in Coronado, Costa Rica
San Jose has many different places where cyclist can be seen practicing in the main roads of a smaller seccion of the city. Coronado is one of those places where there are many mountain bikers that enjoy the landscape of the countryside and go around the town in their mountain bikes.
Visit Costa Rica
jueves, 18 de febrero de 2010
101 Most Important things to know about Costa Rica
1. Costa Rica is a small country located in Central America.
2. Costa Rica’s capital is San Jose, located in the center of the country. San Jose is the political
and economical center of the country.
3. Costa Rica is located 10º North of the equator and 84º West of the Prime Meridian; 9°55′N
and 84°4′W.
4. Costa Rica has a land extension of 51.100 km2 and 589.000 km2 of territorial waters.
5. Costa Rica
as Mekatelio or Limon Creole (55.000 people) and some other indigenous languages.
6. Costa Rica official religion is Catholicism.
7. Costa Rica has 7 provinces: San Jose, Alajuela, Cartago, Heredia, Limón, Puntarenas y
8. Costa Ricans call themselves Ticos and Ticas, or Costar Ricans.
9. Costa Rica is said to be one of the happiest countries on Earth according to a British
organization called New Economic Foundation, which used the Happy Planet Index in an
independent study of 143 nations around the world.
10. There are 4,509,290 Costa Ricans (2009), with a population density of 85/km2.
11. San Jose province has a population of 1.547.760 people.
12. Costa Rica is a democratic country with elections every 4 years.
13. Costa Rica is a neutral country that does not take sides in any world`s war or conflict.
14. Costa Rica is a friendly and peaceful country.
15. Costa Rica`s Time Zone is UTC-6.
16. Costa Rica country code is +506, and the Internet TLD is .cr.
17. Costa Rica`s popular saying is PURA VIDA.
To read more go to 101lunes, 15 de febrero de 2010
Pulperias in Costa Rica
The “pulperias”, usually located close by a small town, where they sell all kinds of snacks, and sometimes even work as small supermarkets with the basics.>
Yet another example of a Pulperia in Costa Rica.
Costa Rica´s Original Countryside
viernes, 12 de febrero de 2010
Bike shops in San Jose, Costa Rica
You can find this Ciclo shops all around San Jose, particularly where mountain bike is a big sport practiced by many people, not only for sport but as a way to move around. Prices are very confortable and the service is great!
Visit Coronado, San Jose - Costa Rica
martes, 9 de febrero de 2010
Destruction of Weapons Monument - Costa Rica
Destruction of Weapons Monument, located in La Paz Park, on the south side of Costa Rica. This monument honors the destruction of weapons after the abolition of the army in Costa Rica.
As Miguel Hernandez said:
ante un pueblo de pómulos noblemente dispuestos,
poco valen las armas: les falta voz y frente,
les sobra estruendo y humo (...)
un hombre desarmado siempre es un firme bloque:
Sabe que no es estéril su firmeza, y resiste."
domingo, 7 de febrero de 2010
sábado, 6 de febrero de 2010
New mountain biking route Coronado
Among these places is Coronado and the mountain biking routes not known by many people and not offered for tourists. Get to know the route Dulce Nombre - Gallera - El Rodeo - San Pedro (Coronado), through country side trails and the so called "potreros". I had the opportunity to visit the area through, and the biking packages offered.
Mountain Bike Costa Rica
miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2010
La Paz Park - San Jose, Costa Rica

Green areas in every city are very important to maintaining the quality of life of people. San Jose has many big green areas in San Jose, the capital city. One of these green areas is Parque La Paz, as well as La Sabana Metropolitan Park. La Paz Park is located in Desamparados, San Jose. It is located on the south part of the city of San Jose. I was created during the first precidency of Oscar Arias, and Guido Saenz (Minister of Culture). There is an extensive area for people to enjoy their weekends. A lot of kids come to the park to flight kites of all sizes and enjoy the sun in a family activity.
Visit Costa Rica